The SnowPro

"The Adjustable Snow Rake"
Patent Pending

The SnowPro. The adjustable snow rake. The SnowPro can adjust to your roof valleys, a task that’s impossible with conventional straight roof rakes. The SnowPro is made in the USA and is made of a non-conducting poly material that is gentle on your roof. 

The SnowPro.™ The Patent Pending "Adjustable Snow Rake"

Pictured here is The SnowPro™ in its various configurations. Get the snow off your roof with this versatile snow rake made right here in the United States using a non-conductive poly material that is durable and gentle on your roof shingles.

New shingle saver glide pads. These removable pads lift the blades off the roof by 1/4", the only thing on your shingles will be the 1/2 diameter glide pads.

We now offer replacement parts for The SnowPro. Unlike other roof rakes where if something breaks you have to replace the whole rake, we offer replacement parts that you can easily replace.

See our product with 15' pole and all other items on my ebay site (canalgolf) search "the snowpro"

Also New !! IceMelt Dispenser. Stay safely on the ground to apply ice melt to those damaging ice dams.

Find all our product our other products on Ebay or Amazon. search "the snowpro"


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